Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Several Issues

Dear Members;
The Association Board is currently addressing several issues and concerns that you have brought up to the board’s attention. Another year is coming to an end. As we look ahead for new leadership, I feel confident that the Association and its members are ready for any changes that will come when the new administration takes office in January. The new Sheriff will bring positive as well negative change depending on your views. The Association must continue and will continue to work hard to assure that our members/officers receive the best working and living conditions they deserve. But the Association board cannot do it by itself, we need your help. The Association has only had a quorum 3 out of the past 4 months. The average attendance at the general membership meetings is about 29 members including the board. There are 800 members in the Association; all members should be able to attend at least one or two meetings a year.
The Board’s goal for next year is to increase attendance to the general membership meeting. The board is committed to representing all members in their fight to achieve respect and gain recognition for their hard work in the Sheriff’s Office. Remember this is YOUR Association, be part of the decision making. Attend the next General membership meeting.

Jose G. Marrufo Jr.

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