Friday, July 6, 2012

Chris McGill Building Ceremony!!

Dear Membership,
          On Friday June 29, 2012, Chris McGill was honored by having the CLEAT building, located downtown, named after him. The process of naming the building after Chris started in Austin at the Leadership Academy about 3 weeks ago. The CLEAT executive board, EPMPOA executive board and EPCSOA board unanimously voted to support the re-naming of the CLEAT building. Chris’s dedication to labor spans 3 decades. He has been President of the El Paso Municipal Police Officers Association (EPMPOA) and Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas (CLEAT). He current serves as the CLEAT field representative for Regions 4A, 4B and 5. He has long been a supporter of the EPCSOA and other CLEAT affiliated groups in the El Paso region.
The ceremony was held in the lobby of the CLEAT building. It was a small but well attended, guest included Chief of Police Gregg Allen, Sheriff Richard Wiles, Housing Director Gerald Chichon, Austin POA President Wayne Vincent, Horizon President Jesse Ortega and members of the BAR. CLEAT President Todd Harrison, Vice- President Adrian Pina, CEO John Burpo, Charley Wilkinson, Dwight Tillman and Chris Jones were also in attendance.
I like to THANK the local CLEAT staff Mayra Guerra, Miles McNeal, Jim Jopling and EPMPOA secretary Norma for their assistance in making the ceremony unforgettable. Again CONGRATULATIONS Chris on your achievement.

Jose G. Marrufo Jr.
President- El Paso County Sheriff’s Officers Association

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