Civil Service Rule 5/4/9
Discuss and take appropriate action concerning changes to the list of requirements in Section 11.3.02 of the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations.
Submitted by: Sheriff Richard D. Wiles, El Paso County Sheriff’s Office
11.3.02 Requirements, include:
1. Be employed as a permanent detention officer, having completed at least 12 months of continuous service in that capacity, or be a peace officer licensed by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education and employed for at least five consecutive years with a law enforcement agency of at least 50 peace officers, the number of individuals so appointed not to exceed 25% of first time deputy appointments per calendar year.
Section 11.3.02 would allow the Sheriff to accept lateral transfers from peace officers from other Agencies directly into any deputy position without going thru the Academy or serving 12 months in the Detention Bureau. The Association strongly opposed this change to Civil Service. After the Commission heard from the Sheriff and the Association, they decided postponed their decision till next month. The Sheriff agreed to contact Marrufo and come up a solution to this issue.
The Association suggest and request that any and all members affected by this change attend Civil Service on June 1st. The Sheriff’s position is that D/O’s do not want to go out to patrol. Last year the department had about 80 D/O’s test for 25 deputy positions at academy. After all was said and done, 40 D/O’s were eligible for the Academy. So D/O’s do want to become Deputies. The Association is not willing to give 1 out every 4 deputy positions to an outside agency.
To review and consider, pursuant to Rule 2.1.01B., the Sheriff’s change to the job description of Detention Officer, wherein the Sheriff has lowered the minimum age for eligibility from: twenty (20) years or eighteen (18) years upon successful completion of military reserve basic training; to eighteen (18) years.
Submitted by: Jim Jopling, CLEAT
To review and consider, pursuant to Rule 2.1.01B., the Sheriff’s change to the job description of Detention Officer, wherein the Sheriff has lowered the minimum age for eligibility from: twenty (20) years or eighteen (18) years upon successful completion of military reserve basic training; to eighteen (18) years.
Submitted by: Jim Jopling, CLEAT
12. ITEM
Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the age requirement to become a Detention Officer for the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office.
Submitted by: Sheriff Richard D. Wiles, El Paso County Sheriff’s Office
Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the age requirement to become a Detention Officer for the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office.
Submitted by: Sheriff Richard D. Wiles, El Paso County Sheriff’s Office
Items 9 was placed by the Association and Item 12 was posted by the Sheriff and are the same. This allowed the Sheriff to lower the age requirement to become a detention officer from 20 years to 18 years old. The Association again was opposed this change. The commission ruled in favor of the Sheriff with the stipulation the item would be revisited in a year. The Association does not have to wait a year to oppose the change again. The Association will attempt to change it back to 20 years, later this year.
Members please be advice, next to your CBA with the County and the Sheriff, Civil Service Rule is a very important benefit we enjoy. The Association will continue to monitor any proposed changes to CSR to make sure that your rights are protected.
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