This year the El Paso County Sheriff's Offciers Association at the direction of members request, expanded on last years Christmas toy drive. The association was able to get toys from it membership which were given out at the El Paso Transitional Living Center. On Thursday December 22, 2011 members attended the TLC's annaul Christmas Banquet accompanied by Santa Claus (Lt. Pete Frias) who gave each child a present from Santa. The Association also received numerous donated toys from generous members of our community which were delivered to the Sierra/Providence Childrens Hospital earlier that same day. While at the Hospital, we were joined by Commissioner Sergio Lewis who assisted in giving every child who had to spend the holidays in the Hospital a toy. We were even able to provide toys for any sibling who were visting while we were there. Due to inclement weather the following day we were unable to make it out to the Reynolds House for our 3rd delivery of the year. The Reynolds House will however still be getting a visit from us with a truck load of toys. We would like to thank everyone who donated a toy, volunteered their time, or helped in anyway to make this years Operation Santa such a success. We know that with the generousity and willingness to help the less fortunate of the EPCSOA membership, we can help make it a Merry Christmas for even more children next year. Please contact a Board Member if you are interested in volunteering your time at any of our Charitable events.